At the start of the academic year 2023/24 we set our 3 year aims focussing on the following work streams:
Work stream 1 – People
Context statement: schools identified the following areas for development: ensuring Governance supports the Leadership and Management judgement during inspection. We want to bring people into school with a ‘genuine enquiry’ approach, audit talent and address our schools’ and Trust’s needs through use of internal ‘talent’
Work stream 2 – Inclusion
Context statement: schools identified the following areas of development: supporting SEND and SEMH at Wave 1 (whole-school pastoral offer), 2 and 3 (high-tariff), supporting SEND and SEMH staff with coaching, supporting pupils with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC). Schools also identified how they might work together to address the post-pandemic challenges of pupil attendance.
Work stream 3 – School Improvement / Curriculum development
Context statement: schools identified the follow areas for development: ensuring curriculum documentation is appropriate across all school – using subject leader networks to support this and develop subject leadership consistency (of quality), ensuring that metacognition and retrieval are at the heart of Trust pedagogical practices. We want to develop how middle leaders have oversight and SLT have oversight of areas of work.